What is consciousness
Consciousness definition: the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings: Or in other words consciousness refers to our induvial awareness. The awareness is subjective and is unique to us, it’s our feelings, our thoughts, our memories, our sensation, and our own environment.
Dr Bruce Lipman, explains: “the conscious mind represents you. The conscious mind is the creative mind, creative conscious mind – it really represents what you want out of life.
Our consciousness is constantly changing in any moment we can be writing (this essay) our consciousness may then shift to a memory or a conversation we had earlier. It may then shift to thoughts of feeling of being thirsty or hungry.
There’s also different states of consciousness, sleep, mediation, dreams, and hallucinations. From childhood we are programmed to think in a certain way, and to behave in a certain way. This is taught by our parents, relatives and from teachers at school. If we stop and give this food for thought, it’s easy to see jus how restrictive this is.
However, we can reprogramme our consciousness, as our conscious mind can learn something new in many different ways. By reading a book, watching a video etc. Which means we can therefore be the masters of our own life……
Before we bring all the pieces of the puzzle together, we must first discuss the subconscious/subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is not rational place, as this where we hold our memories, beliefs and feeling. For many of us, it also holds our traumatic experiences that have happened to us some we may even be unaware of, and they can hold physical and mental symptoms that are left unresolved.
We do however have the power to reprogramme our subconscious mind, we can do this by using visualisation technics, saying positive affirmations, being more observant of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Which is good news, and this neatly brings together how I see the role of consciousness; fractal potential and fractal progression have on the self-healing process.
If we remind ourselves that a fractal is formed by the interaction of energy and matter. Matter is anything that has a mass and takes up space. It’s also anything that can be touched, also light and sound are other forms of energy.
Then if we change our consciousness then the fractal pattern will also change. Our brain is a fractal, and our thoughts, feelings and emotions are energy, which is matter = energy and matter working tighter = this is a fractal. This is also evident with the heartbeats in our heart, if it can stay stable then the healthier, we are.
There are results of studies that show if we are exposure to fractal patterns in nature this can reduce our stress levels. That in turn will have an overall impact our own totally health and wellbeing.
It shows to me that we are all aligned, and everything we do has a fractal nature, isn’t consciousness a fractal too?!
If we all could stop and pause and reflect on where our thoughts and feelings are going, become more conscious of what we eat and drink, how we relate to our environment. Reduce our stress levels, become more aligned with nature by being in nature. Then we will experience an energetic change which in-turn will change the fractals within our bodies.
Thoughts, feelings, and emotions are energy and energy are frequency which forms a fractal.
The ultimate power of knowing and healing with the laws of nature, but before then we need to understand that at the moment the majority of us don’t really know why we’re doing what we’re doing.
If we join the dots up and if I’m correct in my thinking then as we’re all interconnected, us, and the trees, the clouds, animals, plant life, the stars the universe all made up of fractal and if we’re all vibrating as one and in harmony, then there’s no separation then no room for illness self-healing will take place?!
If we can tap into the knowledge of oneness by realising how interconnected, we are and utilising the fractal patterns that naturally occur in fractals and the natural world around us we allow for self-healing to take place.
There’s lots of research that tells us how hospital patients recover quicker if they have a view of nature than patients who only have a brick wall for a view.
Nature’s principles in life eb and flow beautifully. It’s very exciting to read this and help implement this in my life and view how I’ve been living now with a different lens.
We’ve all given away all of our power to the belief that a Doctor, a Politician or Teacher knows more than we do. Time for free thinking, self-knowledge and using one’s own discernment.
It’s an incredible thought that self-healing can/could take place by following all of nature’s principles.